Euro Press Pack COI-series multi purpose cylinders

Euro Press Pack hydrauliske høytrykkssylindere
  • Highly versatile and heavy duty cylinders designed to be used in industrial applications with a high number of working cycles
  • They are also used in pushing of underpass construction, in piling operations and because of their collar thread they can be used in presses
  • These cylinders have: collar thread, internal rod thread and base mounting holes
  • They are supplied with interchangeable grooved saddle and models over 30 tonne have eyelets for transport
  • A safety valve connected to the retract chamber avoids any overpressure
  • The guide nut has a wiper ring to prevent the ingress of dirt and to extend the working life of the cylinder
Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack COI-series multi purpose cylinders

Type      Multi purpose cylinders, double acting, oil return
Kapasitet, skyv 10 ... 500 tonn
111 ... 4948 kN
Kapasitet, trekk 5 ... 154 tonn
55 ... 1512 kN
Slaglengde 150 ... 325 mm
Oljevolum, skyv 239 ... 17671 cm³
Oljevolum, trekk 118 ... 5400 cm³
Max arbeidstrykk 700 bar
Vekt 5,2 ... 495 kg
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack COI-series multi purpose cylinders

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