Euro Press Pack - UT-serien hydrauliske boltestrekkere

Euro Press Pack hydraulisk høytrykksverktøy
  • Made of an hydraulic part with a supporting base (bridge) to which a threaded puller and a polygonal wrench in its various sizes may be added
  • This allows to cover a large number of tie rods and to optimize the number of bolt tensioners necessary
  • All tensioners are supplied with tommy bar to operate the threaded puller and the polygonal wrench
  • According to their technical characteristics, they differ as:
    • UTN series at 1000 bar, provide a traction force of about the 70% of the break point of a steel bolt grade 8.8 of the biggest size (value of max thread in the chart)
      They are equipped with K13M coupler
    • UTH series at 1000 bar, with most of these you can obtain a traction force equal to 70% of the yield stress of a steel bolt grade 10.9 of the maximum size (value of max thread in the chart)
      Equipped with K13M coupler
    • UTV series at 1500 bar, that can develop a traction force of about the 70% of the break point of a steel bolt grade 10.9 of the biggest size (value of max thread in the chart)
      They have reduced overall dimensions if referred to the 1000 bar series, due to their high working pressure
      They are equipped with a K15M coupler, and have a second auxiliary hole (1/4” ESP) that can be joined with a quick coupler (to be ordered separately) for in line connections
Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack UT-serien hydrauliske boltestrekkere 

Type      Load cells
Kraft 99 ... 3522 kN
Slaglengde 12 ... 15 ... mm
Max arbeidstrykk 1000 ... 1500 bar
Threaded puller M16 ... M100
Vekt 24 ... 71 kg
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack UT-serien hydrauliske boltestrekkere 

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