Euro Press Pack - MM-serien modulære power packs med enkelfase elektrisk motor

Euro Press Pack hydrauliske pumper
  • These hydraulic power packs are designed to a modular concept to ensure complete interchangeability of components
  • The top plate is used as a base on which to mount all modular components, valves, and accessories)
  • The valves are also mounted on a plate to allow for pressure
    adjustment on the return line
  • Power packs are manufactured under strict quality controls to ensure
    • Safety: The valves are set at our Factory and each component is in
      compliance with “2006/42/CE Machine Directive” and its later
    • Life: The careful choice of all components ensures excellent performance
      results, weight/power ratio, together with limited dimensional requirements
      and easy maintenance
    • Environment: They are easy to use, quiet and reliable to guarantee the maximum performance

Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack MM-serien modulære power packs med enkelfase elektrisk motor 

Type      Modulære power packs
Reservoir capacity 5 ... 40 l
Max trykk 700 bar
Power rating 0,75 ... 1,5 kW
Ytelse ved 700 bar 0,45 ... 0,9 l/min
Lengde 370 ... 462 mm
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack MM-serien modulære power packs med enkelfase elektrisk motor 

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