Euro Press Pack - UJ-serien Eurojack head and toe lifting jack

Euro Press Pack hydraulisk høytrykksverktøy
  • Power jack with adjustable lifting toe designed to lift large loads from very low positions
  • Provided with extendable bases for maximum stability
  • The lifting toe can be positioned at three different levels with only 25 mm minimum clearance needed
  • The head of the jack may also be used to lift vertically, or if the jack is turned onto its side it can be used for pushing
Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack UJ-serien Eurojack head and toe lifting jack 

Type      Eurojack head and toe lifting jack
Kraft 10 ... 25 t
Slaglengde 150 mm
Max arbeidstrykk 700 bar
Vekt 22 ... 45 kg
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Kontakt Hydex vedrørende Euro Press Pack UJ-serien Eurojack head and toe lifting jack 

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